Pennsylvania Domestic Relations Lawsource® (includes book + digital download)
2025 Edition
Includes book + digital download (link provided at checkout)
1 Volume, Soft-Cover
Published: January 2025 (Previous Editions: 1993-2024)
Most recent supplement/update: N/A
Library of Congress Control Number: 92-74441
ISBN: 1-887024-20-4
**New Updates Including Kayden's Law, Uniform Family Law Arbitration Act, Amendments, Rules, Statutes, Case Annotations, and more!**
Important Note: In addition to published court opinions, this publication also contains Non-Precedential Memoranda Opinions. These Memoranda Opinions have taken on a new importance. Beginning with cases dated May 1, 2019 and later, Non-Precedential Memoranda Opinions of the PA Superior Court may be cited for persuasive authority.
This comprehensive soft-cover book (with free digital download) has been the resource that family law practitioners have relied on for over 20 years for all the state and federal statutes; regulations; Domestic Relations Code; and related Orphans’ Court, Juvenile Court, and appellate rules of procedure needed to practice effectively. This best-selling 1200-page resource even has a 120-page consolidated Index to find exactly what you need immediately. This edition includes many new cases, 29 new or amended Rules, and statutory changes to: Adoption, Support, Newborn Protection, Divorce, Custody, Protection of Sexual Violence Victims, Protection from Abuse, IRC. Coverage:
New in this edition are Annotated Case Summaries of PA Domestic Relations Statutes and the Domestic Relations Rules of Procedure.
- Domestic Relations Code (Title 23)
- Pennsylvania Domestic Relations Statutes relating to: Crimes and Offenses, PEF Code, Judiciary, Labor, Military Affairs, and Names
- Federal Domestic Relations Statutes and Regulations relating to: Armed Forces, Bankruptcy, Crimes and Criminal Procedure, Foreign Relations, Internal Revenue Code, Judiciary, Public Health and Welfare, and the Hague Convention on International Child Abduction
- Pennsylvania Domestic Relations Rules of Procedure relating to: Protection from Abuse, Support, Custody and Visitation, Divorce and Annulment, Voluntary Mediation in Custody Actions, Orphans’ Court Rules—Adoption, Juvenile Court Procedure, and selected Rules of Appellate Procedure
- Regulations relating to Support from Relatives Not Living with the Client
- Comprehensive Consolidated Index
This title is revised or supplemented every six months. In this way, frequent revision will permit the removal of obsolete references to amended or repealed laws or rules on an ongoing basis, and enable us to present a relevant and up-to-date product for ready reference.
The Explanatory Notes and Comments that are included with the court rules have been prepared by the Civil Procedure Rules Committee. They appear in the text following the particular rules to which they relate. These Explanatory Notes and Comments are not part of the rules and have not been officially adopted or promulgated by the Supreme Court.
Preface Table of Contents |
Domestic Relations Code |
PART I. | General Provisions |
PART II. | Marriage |
PART III. | Adoption |
PART IV. | Divorce |
PART V. | Support, Property and Contracts |
PART VI. | Children and Minors |
PART VII. | Abuse of Family |
PART VIII. | Uniform Interstate Family Support |
PART VIII-A. | Intrastate Family Support |
Miscellaneous Pennsylvania Domestic Relations Statutes |
TITLE 18. | Crimes and Offenses |
TITLE 20. | Probate, Estates and Fiduciaries Code |
TITLE 42. | Judiciary and Judicial Procedure |
TITLE 43. | Labor |
TITLE 51. | Military Affairs |
TITLE 54. | Names |
Miscellaneous Federal Domestic Relations Statutes and Regulations—Selected Provisions |
TITLE 10. | Armed Forces |
TITLE 11. | Bankruptcy Code |
TITLE 18. | Crimes and Criminal Procedure |
TITLE 22. | Foreign Relations and Intercourse |
TITLE 26. | Internal Revenue Code |
TITLE 28. | Judiciary and Judicial Procedure |
TITLE 42. | The Public Health and Welfare |
Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction | |
Domestic Relations Rules of Procedure |
I. | Protection from Abuse Act |
II. | Support |
III. | Custody and Visitation |
IV. | Divorce and Annulment |
V. | Rules Relating to Domestic Relations Matters Generally |
VI. | Rules Relating to Voluntary Mediation in Custody Actions |
VII. | Supreme Court Orphans' Court Rules—Adoptions |
VIII. | Pennsylvania Rules of Juvenile Court Procedure |
IX. | Selected Pennsylvania Rules of Appellate Procedure |
Domestic Relations Regulations |
Support from Relations Not Living with the Client | |
Consolidated Index (Statutes and Rules) |