Pennsylvania Landlord-Tenant Law and Practice (includes book + ebook)
5th Edition
Includes book + digital ebook (link provided at checkout)
AUTHORS: RONALD M. FRIEDMAN & KELLY A. MROZ, Members of the Pennsylvania Bar
1 Volume, Soft-cover
Published: November 2022, 5th Edition (Previous Editions 1988, 1994, 2001, 2012)
Most recent supplement/update: 2025 Supplement, published Nov. 2024.
2025 Supplement author: Kelly A. Mroz.
Library of Congress Number: 94-79452
ISBN: 979-8-9858848-2-1
NEW FEATURE!! As part of your subscription to PA Landlord-Tenant Law and Practice, you can now access the digital ebook through the Bisel website. The ebook has links to statutes, rules, and full court opinions. Just click on the links for immediate access to the up-to-date law.
The complete, practical guide to: security deposits, tenant evictions, interpretation of key lease provisions, compliance with the Plain Language Act, dealing with troublesome tenants, bounced rent checks, abandonment, implied warranty of habitability, and much more. Also includes the text of the Landlord-Tenant Act, and Rules of Procedure for District Judges and Municipal Court, plus dozens of sample forms and letters.
The Fifth Edition also includes discussions of aspects of the landlord-tenant relationship that were affected by the pandemic. Although there is no "magic bullet" that can protect the landlord or tenant if another pandemic or similar situation should occur, the lessons learned can help both landlord and tenant navigate potential problems in the future.
This Book with Accompanying Ebook is Perfect For Landlords, Property Managers, and the People Who Advise Them!
- Drafting Leases and Analysis of Lease Provisions
- Rights and Duties of Landlord and Tenant
- Legal Issues Arising During Lease Term
- Termination of Lease and Landlord Remedies
- Fair Housing laws
- Manufactured Home Community Rights Act
- Philadelphia Law and Practice
- Analysis of Plain Language Consumer Contract Act
- Full text of Landlord Tenant Act of 1951 as amended; relevant District Judge and Philadelphia Municipal Court Rules.
- Dozens of Sample Letters, Forms, and Lease Provisions