Pennsylvania Vehicle Code Annotated (Includes book + digital download)
Bisel Publishing
11th Edition
1 Volume, Loose-leaf
Published: November, 2020 (11th Edition) $295
(Previous Editions: 1978 by Milford J. Meyer, 1994-2nd Ed.,
1997-3rd Ed., 2001-4th Ed. , 2003-5th Ed., 2006-6th Ed., 2009-7th Ed., 2013-8th Ed., 2015-9th Ed., 2018-10th Ed.)
Most recent supplement/update: April 2024.
Library of Congress Number: 94-72323
ISBN: 978-0-9970199-0-2
The Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Code contains the various laws controlling the licensing and operation of motor vehicles in this Commonwealth. Legislation for the control of vehicles and vehicular traffic in the Commonwealth was first adopted in 1903, although local ordinances in Philadelphia and its suburbs predated the first Code by a year. New Codes were adopted in 1905, 1909, 1913, 1919, 1927, 1929 and 1959, each resulting from an attempt to consolidate piece-meal amendments to the prior one. The Vehicle Code of 1959 covered approximately 1122 pages and more than 1503 sections in Purdon's Pennsylvania Statutes. The most recent revision and codification of these laws was adopted in 1976.
Major Changes
The 1976 Motor Vehicle Code includes the "Rules of the Road" as well as various other provisions, some of which specifically regulate vehicle operation, licensing, enforcement, and financial responsibility.
The Rules of the Road have been modernized. Detailed provision control pedestrians and bicycles (pedalcycles). Turns are permitted on red lights. The "Keep-to-the-Right" rule is modified and passing on the right is permitted. The right-of-way at intersections is strengthened. The "stop-look-and-listen" rule is changed. Speed limits are modernized and slow-moving vehicles are strictly controlled. Provision as to hand signals and school buses are clarified.
Most violations of the Code are made summary offenses but serious crimes are severely punished and new crimes of homicide by vehicle, homicide by vehicle while driving under the influence, and aggravated assault by vehicle while driving under the influence are created. Provisions are also made for probationary and occupational limited licenses for persons whose operating privileges have been recalled, suspended or revoked. In December, 1996, the Commonwealth enacted the Driver's License Compact, and thereby joined the other jurisdictions that have enacted similar legislation.
The Provisions of the Vehicle Code are to be applied uniformly throughout the Commonwealth and in all political subdivisions, and no local authority has the power to enact or enforce any ordinance on a matter covered by the Vehicle Code unless expressly authorized.
Procedures under the Code are modernized. They are tied to the Rules of Criminal Procedure and the provision for arrest without warrant in drunken driving cases is extended. Judicial review is provided in the county of residence or, in the case of a non-resident, in the county in which the offense took place.
The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) is charged with the duty of administering the provisions of the Vehicle Code. PennDOT also has the power to revoke vehicle registration for failure to comply with the vehicle laws of this Commonwealth. Under the Vehicle Code, the Department of Transportation is also specifically directed to suspend or revoke the operating privilege of persons who fail to respond to a citation or summons for moving violations of the provisions of the Motor Vehicle Code, for an accumulation of points which are assessed for convictions of violations of the Motor Vehicle Code, or for habitual violators of the provisions of the Vehicle Code. Some violations of the Vehicle Code are deemed to be so serious that a conviction for such offense results in an immediate suspension or revocation of a person's operating privileges. PennDOT is also authorized to cancel any person's driver's license under certain circumstances.
The rules and regulations promulgated by PennDOT, pursuant to the authority granted by the Vehicle Code, are contained in Title 67 of the Pennsylvania Code. Throughout the text of the book, references are made to the Pennsylvania Code where appropriate. The Pennsylvania Code is an official publication of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and contains the regulations and other documents filed with the Legislative Reference Bureau under the Act of July 31, 1968 (P.L. 769, No. 240) (45 P.S. §§ 1102, 1201-1208 and 1602) and 45 Pa.C.S. Chapters 5, 7, and 9, known as the Commonwealth Document Law (CDL).
This 11th Edition continues to serve the trial lawyer as a readily available reference work in the courtroom. Completely revised, this reference includes all Pennsylvania Vehicle Code Statutes, relevant case law and cross references, organized by Code section. This work attempts to treat the Code in broad perspective and its individual sections with particularity. It is published in loose-leaf format so that amendments, which will certainly be forthcoming and may be numerous, may be regularly added. The author intends to liberally supplement this Edition in an effort to expand its usefulness even further. It is the author's hope that it will provide an acceptable working tool for all who deal with the Vehicle Code.
Acknowledgments Preface |
Chapter | Section | |
1. | General Provisions | 101 |
11. | Certificate of Title and Security Interests | 1101 |
A. Certificate of Title | 1101 | |
B. Security Interests | 1131 | |
C. Electronic Lien Program | 1151 | |
D. Salvage Vehicles, Theft Vehicles, Reconstructed Vehicles and Flood Vehicles | 1161 | |
13. |
Registration of Vehicles | 1301 |
A. General Provisions | 1301 | |
B. Registration Plates | 1331 | |
C. Violations and Suspensions | 1371 | |
15. |
Licensing of Drivers | 1501 |
A. General Provisions | 1501 | |
B. Comprehensive System for Driver Education and Control | 1531 | |
C. Violations | 1571 | |
D. Driver's License Compact | 1581 | |
16. |
Commercial Drivers | 1601 |
17. |
Financial Responsibility | 1701 |
A. General Provisions | 1701 | |
B. Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance First Party Benefits | 1711 | |
C. Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage | 1731 | |
D. Assigned Risk Plan | 1741 | |
E. Assigned Claims Plan | 1751 | |
F. Catastrophic Loss Trust Fund (Repealed) | 1761 | |
G. Nonpayment of Judgments | 1771 | |
H. Proof of Financial Responsibility | 1781 | |
I. Miscellaneous Provisions | 1791 | |
18. |
Motor Vehicle Insurance Fraud | 1801 |
A. General Provisions | 1801 | |
B. Antifraud Plans | 1811 | |
C. Comprehensive Data Base System | 1821 | |
19. |
Fees | 1901 |
A. General Provisions | 1901 | |
B. Registration Fees | 1911 | |
C. Permits | 1941 | |
D. Miscellaneous Fees | 1951 | |
20. |
Motor Vehicle Insurance Rate Review Procedures | 2001 |
21. |
Motor Carriers Road Tax Identification Markers | 2101 |
23. |
Motor Vehicle Transaction Recovery Fund | 2301 |
31. | General Provisions | 3101 |
A. Obedience to and Effect of Traffic Laws | 3101 | |
B. Traffic-control Devices | 3111 | |
33. |
Rules of the Road in General | 3301 |
A. General Provisions | 3301 | |
B. Right-of-Way | 3321 | |
C. Turning, Starting and Signals | 3331 | |
D. Special Stops Required | 3341 | |
E. Stopping, Standing and Parking | 3351 | |
F. Speed Restrictions | 3361 | |
35. |
Special Vehicles and Pedestrians | 3501 |
A. Operation of Pedalcycles | 3501 | |
B. Special Rules for Motorcycles | 3521 | |
C. Rights and Duties of Pedestrians | 3541 | |
D. Pedalcycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committees | 3571 | |
E. Electric Personal Assistive Mobility Devices | 3581 | |
37. |
Miscellaneous Provisions | 3701 |
A. Offenses in General | 3701 | |
B. Serious Traffic Offenses | 3731 | |
C. Accidents and Accident Reports | 3741 | |
38. |
Driving After Imbibing Alcohol or Utilizing Drugs | 3801 |
41. | Equipment Standards | 4101 |
43. |
Lighting Equipment | 4301 |
45. |
Other Required Equipment | 4501 |
A. Brake Equipment | 4501 | |
B. Safety and Anti-pollution Equipment | 4521 | |
C. Vehicles for Transportation of School Children | 4551 | |
D. Equipment of Authorized and Emergency Vehicles | 4571 | |
E. Child Passenger Protection | 4581 | |
47. |
Inspection of Vehicles | 4701 |
A. Inspection Requirements | 4701 | |
B. Official Inspection Stations | 4721 | |
49. |
Size, Weight and Load | 4901 |
A. General Provisions | 4901 | |
B. Width, Height and Length | 4921 | |
C. Maximum Weights of Vehicles | 4941 | |
D. Special Permits for Excessive Size and Weight | 4961 | |
E. Measuring and Adjusting Vehicle Size and Weight | 4981 | |
61. | Powers of Department and Local Authorities | 6101 |
A. General Provisions | 6101 | |
B. Traffic-control Devices | 6121 | |
C. Reciprocity | 6141 | |
63. |
Enforcement | 6301 |
A. General Provisions | 6301 | |
B. Records of Traffic Cases | 6321 | |
C. Evidentiary Matters (Repealed) | 6341 | |
65. |
Penalties and Disposition of Fines | 6501 |
67. |
Services of Process and Nonresidents (Repealed) | 6701 |
71. | Vehicle Theft and Related Provisions | 7101 |
A. Identification Number | 7101 | |
B. Stolen Vehicles | 7111 | |
C. Misuse of Documents and Plates | 7121 | |
D. Tampering with Odometers | 7131 | |
72. |
Alternative Fuels [Repealed, November 29, 2004] | 7201 |
73. |
Abandoned Vehicles and Cargos | 7301 |
A. Abandoned Vehicles and Salvors | 7301 | |
B. Watercraft Trailer Forfeiture | 7321 | |
75. |
Messenger Service | 7501 |
77. |
Snowmobiles and All-Terrain Vehicles | 7701 |
A. General Provisions | 7701 | |
B. Certificates of Title and Registration | 7711 | |
C. Operation | 7721 | |
D. Equipment | 7741 | |
E. Miscellaneous Provisions | 7751 | |
78. |
Motor Carrier Safety | 7801 |
79. |
Motorcycles | 7901 |
A. General Provisions | 7901 | |
B. Motorcycle Safety Education | 7911 | |
81. |
Interstate Compacts and Agreements | 8101 |
A. Bus Taxation Proration Agreement (Repealed) | 8101 | |
B. Vehicle Equipment Safety Compact (Repealed) | 8111 | |
83. |
Hazardous Materials Transportation | 8301 |
89. |
Pennsylvania Turnpike | 8901 |
A. Preliminary Provisions | 8901 | |
B. Turnpike Extension and Improvements | 8911 | |
90. |
Liquid Fuels and Fuels tax | 9001 |
91. |
State Highway Maintenance | 9101 |
92. |
Transfer of State Highways | 9201 |
93. |
Supplemental Funding for Municipal Highway Maintenance | 9301 |
94. |
Liquid Fuels and Fuel Use Tax Enforcement | 9401 |
95. |
Taxes for Highway Maintenance and Construction | 9501 |
96. |
Motor Carriers Road Tax | 9601 |
97. |
Department of Transportation Productivity | 9701 |
98. |
Motorbus Road Tax | 9801 |
99. |
Axle Tax for Highway Bridge Improvement (Repealed) | 9901 |
APPENDICES Table of Cases Index |